Intro to Relief Printmaking

InstructorRyan Numair
ScheduleThursdays · 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
DatesOctober 17 – November 14, 2024
MediumPrint, Paper & Book Arts
LevelAll Levels
CostMembers $161.00 · Non-Members $183.00
FeesSupply Fee: $ 25.00

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No class on 10/31

Create linoleum block relief prints using various methods and techniques. Experienced Linocut Printer Ryan Numair will guide you through demonstrations and one-on-one teaching. Learn techniques you can use to do printmaking at home. Explore monochromatic, reduction, multi-block, fabric printing, and printing techniques by hand and with a printing press. Learn about printmaking paper, ink, all processes, and how to properly edition your prints. Beginners and all levels welcome!
