Visiting Artist Workshop: Landscape Painting in Plein Air
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Discover the joy of painting landscapes in oil in this immersive, two-morning workshop. Participants will work outdoors, capturing the beauty of the natural world while learning foundational techniques. Starting with a preliminary sketch, you will explore composition, color, and light before moving into painting. By the end of the workshop, you’ll complete one or two landscape paintings and gain tools to further develop your practice. All levels are welcome!
Student Supply List:
- 9 x 12 spiral bound sketch book
- Sharpie marker
- Plastic eraser
- Gessoed panel, canvas, or paper (if using gessoed paper you will need a board to tape or clip it to)
- Terpenoid or odorless oil paint solvent
- 2 small glass jars with tight sealing lids
- Paint rags or paper towels
- Protective gloves (gardening or medical)
- Painting palette or palette paper
- Assortment of flat and filbert brushes (sizes 2 to 8)
- Palette knife
- Portable easel (if students do not have a portable easel we might be able to bring a painting easel from MLAC)
- Sun Block
- Hat
- Bug Spray
- Basic Palette
- Titanium White
- Ultramarine Blue
- Burnt Umber
- Cadmium Yellow Light
- Indian Yellow
- Cadmium Red or Windsor Red
- Cobalt Blue Or Phthalo Blue
- Cadmium Green Light or Permanent Green Light
- Viridian Green or Windsor Green
- Cobalt Violet (hue) or Dioxazine Purple
- Transparent Iron Oxide