Direct Painting in Oils
This class has already started. Please call to register.
No 3/6. Make-up on 4/10.
Work from simple still life set-ups to experiment with limited palettes. Find your own expressive voice while working from life. Complete one or more paintings per session. Work from your own set up or with reference material. This is a great introductory class for beginners or those with some experience.
Student Supply List:
Preferred Supplier – Dick Blick at 12th & Chestnut downtown or online at Many supplies can be found at Michaels or at Supply list for beginning/intermediate oils on the Dick Blick website.
If you have your own supplies or would prefer to shop elsewhere, here is a general list… please email me with any questions! You may opt to purchase $3 painting boards directly from Elaine.
- Oil paints – bring what you have. If buying new, I recommend Graham oils, Utrecht, or Winsor & Newton: only necessary to bring the essential group of colors to start.
- Essential-
- titanium white (large tube)
- raw umber
- Ultramarine blue
- alizarin crimson
- cadmium yellow medium
- burnt sienna
- Optional-
- Pthalo blue
- cadmium red (or similar bright red)
- Cadmium yellow light (or less expensive options)
- yellow ochre
- Oil painting medium – I recommend using walnut (or safflower) oil and walnut alkyd medium, and gamsol. You may use traditional options like linseed oil, but no liquin or solvents with odors. I also recomment biobased thinner and medium from Art Treehouse.
- Brushes – I suggest Princeton series 6500 filbert and brights, 1 ea of sizes 2 and 10, 2 ea of 6 and 8. 1 rubber tip brush “color shaper.” I suggest the flat chisel. Another great brush source is Rosemary’s brushes (my personal favorites are the ivory short flats)
- 6 painting “supports” – I recommend artist panels or boards instead of canvases – recommended sizes 8″ x 10″, 9″ x 12″, or 11″ x 14″. I will have these available for those that are interested, for $2 or $3 depending on size.
- Brush cleaner (walnut oil is fine for this) and hand wipes. Recommend “masters” soap for brush cleaning after using the walnut oil.
- Palette – disposable 9″ x 12″ or larger, tinted grey is my preference
- 3 palette cups – one for walnut oil, one for alkyd medium, one for thinner. You can use baby food jars if you have them.
- One roll of paper towels and a few cotton rags
- Disposable vinyl gloves or barrier cream
- Smock recommended