Artwork by a participant in our Accessible Art Programs for artists with disabilities
Welcome Gallery Exhibition · Accessible Art Exhibition
April 7 – June 5, 2016
Artwork by a participant in our Accessible Art Programs for artists with disabilities
We are proud to feature the inspiring work created by participants in Main Line Art Center’s Accessible Art programs for children, teens, and adults with disabilities and at-risk youth in the Welcome Gallery April 7, 2016 through June 5, 2016. Main Line Art Center is a proud recipient of a 2015 Commitment to Cultural Access Award from Art-Reach for these programs, now in their 52nd year.
Join us in the Sensory Garden for ice cream and fun on Saturday, June 4 from 1 to 3 pm as we honor the artists featured in the exhibitions at the
Sensory Garden Party & Ice Cream Fundraiser.
Our thanks to the generous supporters of our Accessible Art Programs:
1830 Family Foundation
Best Buy Foundation
Bill and Bobbie Family Foundation
The Charter Foundation
Elsie Lee Garthwaite Memorial Foundation
George W. Rentschler Foundation
Harriet G. Fredericks Foundation
The Huston Foundation
Karen Lotman