Teen Meditative Sketchbooks (13-18 yrs)

InstructorIsabella Del Signore
ScheduleMondays · 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
DatesJanuary 22 – March 18, 2024
MediumDrawing & Painting
CostMembers $313.00 · Non-Members $379.50

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Maintaining a sketchbook in your daily life has infinite benefits. It creates a non-judgmental space where you can let go of daily stress, record ideas, and document your daily life. In this class, you will learn various methods for utilizing a sketchbook as a way to connect deeper with yourself and your art practice. Spend 8 weeks filling your personalized sketchbook with a wide range of mediums: from pen and ink, to watercolor, acrylic paint, and collage. You will learn how to let go of expectations while creating and see how much your mood and art improve!