Late Winter: Liquid Majesty: Watercolor
This class has already started. Please call to register.
In a collegial and supportive atmosphere, learn how to paint, compose the page, balance values, and finish watercolor paintings. Each class will begin with a demo followed by guided practice. Bonnie will critique your paintings when you’re ready. You are welcome to send in images of your work during the week for interim critiques.
Student Supply List:
- Quality matters with watercolor. Buy only artist grade materials, not student grade. Feel free to bring any materials you currently have to the first class
- Paper: 4 sheets of Darches 140# or watercolor paper block (any size)
- Palette with lid
- Brush: 1 round pointed #10 or 12 Kolinsky hair
- Paints: small tubes, Winsor Newton or Holbein:
- Aureolin yellow (or cadmium yellow)
- Cadmium Orange (or New Gamboge)
- Yellow Ochre
- Burnt Umber
- Cadmium Red Light
- Alizarin Crimson
- Burnt Sienna
- Dioxazine Purple (or Windsor Violet)
- Cobalt Violet (optional)
- Sap Green
- Viridian Green
- Shadow Green (Holbein, optional)
- Cerulean Blue
- Ultramarine Blue
- Viva paper towels
- Ear syringe (rubber suction bulb drug store)
- Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (grocery store)
- Small sketch book
- Papermate mechanical pencil (Staples)
- Kneaded eraser
- Winsor Newton Masking Fluid – colorless