Late Winter: Intro to Oil Painting
This class has already started. Please call to register.
Explore the possibilities and thrill of oil painting. Work from still-life set-ups and engage in exercises to hone your painting skills and creative expression! For all levels.
Student Supply List:
Get some of these to start or all. We can decide more in first class.
- Small PRIMED canvas ( stretched or board ) or PRIMED wood panel
- Oil Colors: ( I use Winsor Newton brand. Some other decent quality student grade Grumbacher, Gamblin, Winton )
- White: Titanium
- Black: Ivory, Mars, Payne’s Gray
- Earth tones: Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Raw Umber
- Blue: Winsor Blue ( Green Shade ) or Ultramarine, Prussian
- Green: Viridian, Sap Green, Prussian
- Yellow: Winsor Yellow or Cadmium Yellow, Indian Yellow
- Red: Winsor Red or Cadmium Red
- Extra for the more adventurous: Transparent White, Warm or unbleached white, Davy’s Gray, Alizarin Crimson ( or Hue ),Transparent Maroon, Indian Yellow, Naples Yellow, Jeune Brilliant, Permanent Rose
- Brushes: Assorted sizes ( I use Princeton, Loews Cornell brands ) Spotter Rounds, Filberts ( Cat’s Tongue is good ), Flats Also, old, used brushes that lost their shape ( point )
- Palette: Wood, plexiglass, or paper pad with disposable sheets ( coated is good ) ( I also use white plastic lids of all sizes. -storable or disposable )
- Palette Knife: small metal offset ( I also collect wooden coffee stirrers, chopsticks, skewers – anything for mixing/stirring -disposable )
- Pencils: 2H, HB (which is most household pencils ) 3 or 4B Odorless Mineral Spirits or Turpenoid for cleaning brushes etc.
- Jar for solvent
- Paper towels or paint rags
- Small Notebook