Late Winter: Beginner Drawing

InstructorBarbara Zanelli
ScheduleTuesdays · 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
DatesThrough April 8, 2025
MediumDrawing & Painting
LevelAll Levels
CostMembers $239.00 · Non-Members $272.00

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Everyone can draw, including you! You will learn step-by-step instructions on how to see in order to begin a drawing from life that contains both gesture and proportional accuracy. You will learn how this is accomplished. We will start by copying drawings and photographs, as well as drawing from life in order to learn the techniques for accuracy. Later, we will move into drawing animals and people from photographs, drawings and from life, always with an emphasis on intuition to put into practice the dictum, “draw first, measure second.” Drawing, first and foremost, is an intuitive practice we innately know how to do. Accuracy techniques are used in service to our intuitive nature.

Some of the concepts you will learn about are: gridding, simplifying into shapes, negative space and basic perspective. In each class you will build your skills progressively by both copying and drawing from life. You will learn to see in a whole new way!
What you will learn:

1. Scaffold approach to translating 3D to 2D
2. How to perceive edges and draw them
3. Drawing natrual and manmade things
4.How to focus while drawing
Concepts covered include line, proportion, composition, basic anatomy, basic perspective.

Student Supply List: